Physiology Sembulingam


Essential of MEDICAL PHYSIOLOGY 6th edition by Sembulingam


Name Book

Essential of MEDICAL PHYSIOLOGY 6th edition

Author/ Editior (6th edition)

K. Sembulingam and Prema Sembulingam




37.61 MB



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Quality (Good/average/bad)



Section : 1  General Physiology
001 : Cell (3)
002 : Cell Junctions (22)
003 : Transport through Cell Membrane (27)
004 : Homeostasis (38)
005 : Acid-Base Balance (42)

Section : 2  Blood And Body Fluids
006 : Body Fluids (51)
007 : Blood (58)
008 : Plasma Proteins (61)
009 : Red Blood cells (66)
010 : Erythropoiesis (71)
011 : Hemoglobin and Iron Metabolism (77)
012 : Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (83)
013 : Packed Cell Volume and Blood Indices (86)
014 : Anemia (89)
015 : Hemolysis and Fragility of RBCs (95)
016 : White Blood Cells (97)
017 : Immunity (107)
018 : Platelets (122)
019 : Hemostasis (127)
020 : Coagulation of Blood (129)
021 : Blood Groups (139)
022 : Blood Transfusion (146)
023 : Blood Volume (148)
024 : Reticuloendothelial System and Tissue Macrophage (151)
025 : Spleen (153)
026 : Lymphatic System and Lymph (155)
027 : Tissue Fluid and Edema (159)

Section : 3   Muscle Physiology 
028 : Classification of Muscles  (167) 
029 : Structure of Skeletal Muscle  (169)
030 : Properties of Skeletal Muscle  (176)
031 : Changes during Muscular Contraction  (188) 
032 : Neuromuscular Junction (200) 
033 : Smooth Muscle  (204) 
034 : Electromyogram and Disorders of Skeletal Muscle (210) 
035 : Endurance of Muscle (214)

Section : 4  Digestive System
036 : Introduction  to Digestive System (219)
037 : Mouth and Salivary Glands (223)
038 : Stomach (230) 
039 : Pancreas (241) 
040 : Liver and Gallbladder (249) 
041 : Small Intestine (261) 
042 : Large Intestine (266) 
043 : Movements of Gastrointestinal Tract (270) 
044 : Gastrointestinal Hormones (281) 
045 : Digestion, Absorption and Metabolism of Carbohydrates (287)
046 : Digestion, Absorption and Metabolism of Proteins (290) 
047 : Digestion, Absorption and Metabolism of Lipids (292) 
Section : 5  Renal Physiology and Skin
048 : Kidney (301)
049 : Nephron (304) 
050 : Juxtaglomerular Apparatus (309) 
051 : Renal Circulation (312) 
052 : Urine Formation (315 ) 
053 : Concentration of Urine (325) 
054 : Acidification of Urine and Role of Kidney in Acid-Base Balance (330)
055 : Renal Function Tests (333) 
056 : Renal Failure (337) 
057 : Micturition (339) 
058 : Dialysis and Artificial Kidney (346) 
059 : Diuretics (348) 
060 : Structure Of Skin (351) 
061 : Functions Of Skin (354)
062 : Glands Of Skin  (356)
063 : Body Temperature (359) 
Section : 6  Endocrinology
064 : Introduction to Endocrinology (367)
065 : Hormones (371)
066 : Pituitary Gland (375)
067 : Thyroid Gland (388)
068 : Parathyroid Gland and Physiology of Bone (399)
069 : Endocrine Functions of Pancreas (415)
070 : Adrenal Cortex (425)
071 : Adrenal Medulla (439)
072 : Endocrine Functions of Other Organs (444)
073 : Local Hormones (447)

Section : 7  Reproductive System
074 : Male Reproductive System (455)
075 : Seminal Vesicles (467)
076 : Prostate Gland (468)
077 : Semen (470)
078 : Female Reproductive System (473)
079 : Ovary (476)
080 : Menstrual Cycle (482)
081 : Ovulation (492)
082 : Menopause (494)
083 : Infertility (496)
084 : Pregnancy and Parturition (498)
085 : Placenta (505)
086 : Pregnancy Tests (508)
087 : Mammary Gland and Lactation (510)
088 : Fertility Control (513)

Section : 8  Cardiovascular System
089 : Introduction to CVS (519)
090 : Properties of Cardiac Muscle (525)
091 : Cardiac Cycle (533)
092 : Heart Sounds (544)
093 : Cardiac Murmur (549)
094 : ECG (551)
095 : Vector (558)
096 : Arrhythmia (562)
097 : Effect of Changes in Electrolyte Concentration on Heart (570)
098 : Cardiac Output (572)
099 : Heart-Lung Preparation (582)
100 : Cardiac Function Curves (584)
101 : Heart Rate (587)
102 : Hemodynamics (595)
103 : Arterial Blood Pressure (602)
104 : Venous Pressure (617)
105 : Capillary Pressure (620)
106 : Arterial Pulse (622)
107 : Venous Pulse (627)
108 : Coronary Circulation (629)
109 : Cerebral Circulation (634)
110 : Splanchnic Circulation (638)
111 : Capillary Circulation (640)
112 : Circulation Through Skeletal Muscle (644)
113 : Cutaneous Circulation (646)
114 : Fetal Circulation and Respiration (648)
115 : Hemorrhage (651)
116 : Circulatory Shock and Heart Failure (654)
117 : Cardiovascular Adjustment During Exercise (664)

Section : 9  Respiratory System and Environmental Physiology
118 : Physiological Anatomy Of Respiratory Tract (673)
119 : Pulmonary Circulation (678)
120 : Mechanics of Respiration (682)
121 : Pulmonary Function Tests (690)
122 : Ventilation (700)
123 : Inspired Air, Alveolar Air and Expired Air (703)
124 : Exchange of Respiratory Gases (705)
125 : Transport of Respiratory Gases (711)
126 : Regulation of Respiration (716)
127 : Disturbance Of Respiration (723)
128 : High Altitude and Space Physiology (737)
129 : Deep Sea Physiology (743)
130 : Effects of Exposure to Cold and Heat (746)
131 : Artificial Respiration (749)
132 : Effects of Exercise on Respiration (751)

Section : 10  Nervous System
133 : Introduction to Nervous System (757)
134 : Neuron (759)
135 : Classification of Nerve Fibers (764)
136 : Properties of Nerve Fibers (766)
137 : Degeneration and Regeneration of Nerve Fibers (770)
138 : Neuroglia (773)
139 : Receptors (775)
140 : Synapse (780)
141 : Neurotransmitters (787)
142 : Reflex Activity (795)
143 : Spinal Cord (803)
144 : Somatosensory System and Somatomotor System (828)
145 : Physiology of Pain (838)
146 : Brainstem (844)
147 : Thalamus (847)
148 : Internal Capsule (853)
149 : Hypothalamus (847)
150 : Cerebellum (863)
151 : Basal Ganglia (878)
152 : Cerebral Cortex (884)
153 : Limbic System (898)
154 : Reticular Formation (901)
155 : Preparations of Animals For Experimental Studies (906)
156 : Proprioceptors (908)
157 : Posture and Equilibrium (913)
158 : Vestibular Apparatus (919)
159 : EEG (929)
160 : Physiology of Sleep (931)
161 : Epilepsy (935)
162 : Higher Intellectual Functions (937)
163 : CSF (949)
164 : Autonomic Nervous System (954)

Section : 11  Special Senses
165 : Structure of the Eye (965)
166 : Visual Process (978)
167 : Field Vision (987)
168 : Visual Pathway (989)
169 : Pupillary Reflexes (994)
170 : Color Vision (999)
171 : Errors of Refraction (1004)
172 : Structure of the Ear (1007)
173 : Auditory Pathway (1013)
174 : Mechanism of Hearing (1016)
175 : Auditory Defects (1022)
176 : Sensation of Taste (1024)
177 : Sensation of Smell (1028)

Index (1033)


Name Book

Essential of MEDICAL PHYSIOLOGY 6th edition

Author/ Editior (6th edition)

K. Sembulingam and Prema Sembulingam




37.61 MB



Pages type


Quality (Good/average/bad)



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