
Physiology Sembulingam

  Essential of MEDICAL PHYSIOLOGY 6th edition by Sembulingam ABOUT BOOK Name Book Essential of MEDICAL PHYSIOLOGY 6 th edition Author/ Editior (6 th edition) K. Sembulingam and Prema Sembulingam Type pdf. Size 37.61 MB Pages 1113 Pages type Colored Quality (Good/average/bad) Good CONTENTS .... Section : 1  General Physiology 001 : Cell (3) 002 : Cell Junctions (22) 003 : Transport through Cell Membrane (27) 004 : Homeostasis (38) 005 : Acid-Base Balance (42) Section : 2  Blood And Body Fluids 006 : Body Fluids (51) 007 : Blood (58) 008 : Plasma Proteins (61) 009 : Red Blood cells (66) 010 : Erythropoiesis (71) 011 : Hemoglobin and Iron Metabolism (77) 012 : Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (83) 013 : Packed Cell Volume and Blood Indices (86) 014 : Anemia (89) 015 : Hemolysis and Fragility of RBCs (95) 016 : White Blood C

Golgi Apparatus

  Name :- Golgi apparatus, Golgi body, Golgi complex, Post office of the cell, Shipping department of the cell ( Camillo Golgi (1898) first discovered, hence the name is Golgi ) . Properties : It is an membrane bound organelle situated near the nucleus. It is present in all cells except RBCs. Usually, each cell has one Golgi apparatus. Each Golgi apparatus consists of 5-8 flattened membranous sacs called  cisternae  (0.5-1.0 micrometer) . Golgi apparatus has two ends or faces, namely  cis  face (situated near the endoplasmic reticulum) and  trans  face (situated near the cell membrane). Functions : Major functions of Golgi apparatus are processing, packing, labeling and delivery of proteins and lipids to different part of the cell or outside of the cell. Processing :- glycoproteins and lipids are modified here. Packaging :- modified materials are packed in the form of secretory granules, secretory vesicles and lysosomes. Labeling and delivery :- Golgi apparatus sort out the processed m